It is hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I feel like the month of December has just flown by. How can it possibly be the 29th already? Christmas was wonderful this year. I was able to spend it with my family as well as with Marc and his family.
Christmas Eve I went to church with my parents and then my mom and I made lefse and meatballs. For those who don't know what lefse is a potato tortilla. It was fun to help my mom make the lefse and meatballs, however we got a little crazy by the end. I started writing names on the lefse with a fork. ;-) Then Christmas morning Julie and TJ came over and we had yummy chocolate chip coffee cake. We opened presents and had a good time as a family. Julie and TJ had to leave for Christmas with his family and I left for Christmas with Marc's family. I had a wonderful time celebrating with Marc and his family and watching the beautiful snow fall outside.
Saturday Marc came back with me to my house and we had the Leber side of the family over. It was good to see family and have Marc meet them. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and enjoying my last bit of time off before going back to work on Monday. It was a great Christmas and I am so thankful that I was able to celebrate with my family. It is hard to believe that 2010 will be here in just a few short days, but I am looking forward to the things God has instore for me this next year. Things that are sure to grow me and draw me closer to Him! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
3 months
So, it is crazy to think, but I have been dating Marc for 3 months already. This past weekend we celebrated and had a ton of fun! I spent the weekend downtown so we got to do things all weekend. Friday night we went to see Disney's A Christmas Carol. It was good and of course always entertaining when with Marc. Then Saturday we got up nice and early and headed down to Moody Church to help with the Angel Tree. We had a great time carrying presents upstairs, sorting them, running to the store for butter and then helping in the kitchen until we had to leave. We left around 11:30am and went and got changed into our dress clothes. Marc then took me to the Goodman Theater to see A Christmas Carol. It was so very good! The actors did a wonderful job and we had a seats with a great view of the stage. Definitely a great time and I am looking forward to going back again next year. After the play he took me to this cute italian restaurant up in Lincoln Park. It had great food and the people were very nice. Sunday I finally got to go to Marc's church with him. It was a great service and I really like the church. Then we headed out to his parents' house in Naperville to watch the Bears/Packers game. I of course was cheering for the Packers and almost got kicked out by his dad for wearing my Packers shirt. But I redeemed myself by being a Cubs fan, so they let me stay. It was a great game (because the Packers won) and of course always a good time with Marc's family. Here is one picture, but this is from the weekend before when we went to Candlelight Carols.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
WOW! I can't believe it is already December. I feel like the past three months have flown by. I have been working at Moody for almost a month now and I am loving my job. I have been able to learn most things quickly and feel comfortable answering most questions that come my way. The cold weather has officially set in and we even had some snow yesterday. I am very thankful for a space heater at my desk since I sit right by an outside door. It gets pretty chilly at the desk sometimes. Yesterday I went to turn on the heater and well since it hasn't been used since last was kind of smelly. But this morning I had it running before I started work and the smell is gone and I am toasty warm!
This month is going to be a busy one, but I am looking forward to it. This weekend Marc and I are going to Candlelight Carols here at Moody. I am looking forward to this since I haven't been to a Candlelight Carols since graduating from Moody. Next weekend we are going to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Goodman Theater downtown. I am super excited for this too, I hear it is supposed to be really good. On top of all of that, there is Christmas shopping to finish (yes I have already started) and of course work. It will be a great month! I pray you all are having a great December already and enjoying getting ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
This month is going to be a busy one, but I am looking forward to it. This weekend Marc and I are going to Candlelight Carols here at Moody. I am looking forward to this since I haven't been to a Candlelight Carols since graduating from Moody. Next weekend we are going to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Goodman Theater downtown. I am super excited for this too, I hear it is supposed to be really good. On top of all of that, there is Christmas shopping to finish (yes I have already started) and of course work. It will be a great month! I pray you all are having a great December already and enjoying getting ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.
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