Monday, January 25, 2010

Year of weddings

This weekend was the first of at least 3 weddings I will be going to this year. My cousin Faith got married this weekend in Iowa. My parents, my aunts Emilie and Carole, Marc and I all flew out for the wedding Saturday morning. It was a beautiful wedding and I am so thankful I was able to go and see Faith start her new life with Bryan. The next wedding I will be attending isn't until May, so I have some time. Thankfuly the next one is in Chicago so I won't have to travel far for it.

It has been a crazy month! I can't believe it is almost over and onto February. The first week of February will be a little busy for me at work. That is the week of Moody's Founder's week, so we will have lots of guests on campus and I am sure I will be answering plenty of questions. If you happen to coming to campus for Founder's week...make sure to stop by and see me at the Welcome Center desk!

Other than Founder's week, February will be busy with birthday celebrations and attending a women's retreat in Wisconsin with my old church up there. I am excited to see some of my great friends from Appleton and get to hang out with them for the weekend. I haven't seen most of them in over a year!

Here is a picture of Marc and me from earlier this month. Not much has changed, but it is fun to post pictures from each month. ;-)

Monday, January 4, 2010


I can't believe it is already 2010! I feel like 2009 just flew by, especially these past few months. It totally does not feel like it should be January or another year. I look ahead to things that are happening in February and I think they are far away, but then realize...they really aren't. February will be here before I know it! As I look back at the past year, there is much I have to be thankful for. God has been so good and faithful to me through everything that has happened.

He carried me through the lonely, difficult and sometimes stressful times in Peru. He brought a time of refreshment during the summer, where I could focus on His plans for me. He allowed me to celebrate my sister's wedding and gave me the strength to make the hard decison to leave Peru. He provided a wonderful job that I enjoy and brought an amazing man into my life. 2009 was a great year, even with the difficult times, it was still great because God was in control. I know that no matter what 2010 brings in my life, it will be great as long as I let God be in control. I am looking forward to what amazing things God brings this next year and another year of learning to trust and rely on God completely!

Thank you to everyone who supported me in 2009. Whether it was financially, through prayers, or through your friendship, God has greatly blessed me with each and everyone of you! I am so thankful for you!