Sunday, January 20, 2008

Spring break

I am so excited to actually have a spring break that I get to do something fun on. I haven't had a spring break since college, and those spring breaks weren't usually very fun. I was either student teaching or on choir tour. So I am very excited to actually have plans for spring break this year. I am going to a beach called Mancora! It is going to be so great to spend pretty much a whole week sitting on the beach relaxing. At least I hope it will be might just be interesting. I am going with my roommate, Kelly, her boyfriend, Matt, and another teacher Emily. I know it will be fun, but I'm sure there will be some very interesting times too. It is funny how classes just started back up not that long ago and I am already looking forward to spring break. Now don't get me isn't like school is extremely hard and I just can't wait. It is more I am so excited to spend a week at the beach that I can't wait for it to come. We should be buying our tickets sometime this week and then it will be set! Yay for spring break!!! Ok, now that I have used the phrase "spring break" multiple times and I am sure it is annoying you, I am going to finish some things up and then head out to church.

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