The hall from the bedrooms to the kitchen. The cool room (only room with AC)

My bedroom. The living room

The kitchen. The door from the screen porch to the "inside" porch

The "inside" porch with our front door. The hall to the rest of the old boys' dorm.
I love talking with my friends! It is always so nice to talk with them and just catch up on each other’s lives. I talked with my friend Celia today for over an hour. You would think we hadn’t talked in months…but that isn’t true. We just talked about a month ago. Granted a lot does happen in a month, but even still. It was wonderful to talk to her and just hear about things going on in the states. It is so easy for me to forget about life back home with all the things I have to do here. The past few days have been pretty interesting just because I have been thinking about the future a lot. My roommate has been talking about her future and what she is going to be doing after she leaves Pucallpa in June. And so of course I have been thinking about my future. And yes, I do have to admit I have been worrying about some aspects of my future. There are certain things that I would love to have happen in my life and right now I don’t really see any way they could happen. But this morning God knew what I needed to hear. The verse that I was reading during my devotions was Jeremiah 29:11. This is a verse that I know well, but it was definitely something I needed to hear today. I continued through verse 14.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
Not only does the Lord promise me that he has a plan for me, but he also tells me that if I seek him with all my heart, I will find him! He will listen to me and be there for me no matter what. That was such a reassurance today as I started worrying about different things. I don’t have to worry God already has a plan set out for my life. All I have to do is listen to him and follow the path he has for me. How GREAT is our God that he has a plan set for EVERY person in the world. Even if they don’t choose to follow that plan…it is still there for if they decided to follow God. God just amazes me over and over again. Who am I that God would concern himself with a plan for my life? I am just a lowly teacher who is nowhere near perfect. And yet everyday God is there for me, watching over me, and loving me in a way that no one else can! It is so exciting and amazing. I love it when God amazes me like that! It always makes my day brighter!
These pictures are of my apartment for those who haven’t seen it yet. Might not be the best place to live, but it is home to me.