Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another year older!

Well, today is my birthday. It is kind of strange to celebrate my birthday when the weather is about 85 and sunny....I am used to having snow or at least bitter cold on my birthday. But I guess that is what happens when you celebrate your birthday in the southern hemisphere. =) It has been a good day. I of course had to teach like any other day, but Kelly made a cake for my birthday and the kids all sang to me when we had the cake. Then this afternoon my mom called me and we talked for a few minutes. It was great to talk to my mom...even if she couldn't be here to celebrate my birthday with me. I got a TON of emails from friends and family! I hope to actually send a thank you back to everyone but it might take me a day or two. This evening was prayer meeting like usual, but instead of having it here at the school we had it out at the lake. It was nice to have a change of scenery for prayer meeting. And the best part of the whole day......I got to share this special day with my lovely roommate, Kelly. She decided that she wanted to be baptized since she was only sprinkled as a baby. And so today before prayer meeting she was baptized by Julio, the pastor at the church here on the school property, out in the lake. It was so great to see her confirm in front of everyone what she believes and that she is going to continue to follow God. It made the day even more special for me to be able to share it with her. And so, it has been a good birthday. And even though I wasn't able to spend it with my family, at least I was able to spend in where God has called me to be and with wonderful people here! Here is to a great year of being 26!!!

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