Monday, June 30, 2008
God's faithfulness
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monasterio De Santa Catalina
Well, like I said...many pictures and not much writing. Christy and I went to see the convent at was definitely worth it. We had a great time and I think we were the only ones there! Sorry if this post is a little boring...but too bad! I think it is pretty interesting.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A little better view of Misti.
This is a picture of Chachani.
A view of the street from our roof...such a great view.
A view in the other direction of the street from the roof.
So far this week (the one day so far) has gone much better than last week. I feel like I am slowly able to make more connections between what I know in my head and what comes out of my mouth. Hopefully, things will continue to connect and I will be able to express myself more clearly in spanish. Ahora, yo voy a estudiar mis verbos! (Now, I am going to study my verbs) Chau!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Cassie (The Birthday Girl), David and Sarah
Marshall and Pam talking...caught by surprise.
Me, Aldan, Christy and Amanda
Sarah and Dan (Dr. Doolittle)
A picture of the monastary from the roof of the restaurant
Well, I guess I should finish my homework for class tomorrow...anyone want to do it for me?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Combi ride
All of a sudden our driver starts to go crazy. He started to drive a lot faster and was trying to get in front of the other combi. Christy and I sat there and just started laughing because it was funny to us that they were trying to race. The further we went the more our driver got upset and drove crazier. Our combi was practically empty because the one in front of us was getting all the passengers. So we are sitting there trying to pay attention so we don't miss our corner and we notice that our driver was not wanting to stop at all. There were many people who wanted to get off and had to yell at the driver to make him stop for them. There was one lady who started chewing the driver out because he wasn't going to stop for her. Christy also told me that she saw people waving down our combi and our driver just drove right past them and didn't stop. It was really funny!
Then it was time for us to get off the combi. We said we wanted to get off at the next corner and just as we said that we stop because of traffic. So we decided to just off there since we were stopped. So Christy goes to stand up and just as she stands up our driver starts going again. She got flung across the way and almost landed in the lap of the guy sitting across from us. Thankfully she didn't get hurt and we were able to get off of the combi where we were supposed to. The rest of our walk to school Christy and I could not stop laughing. It is always an adventure when you take public transportation in another country!
Monday, June 16, 2008
My friend Christy standing in the backyard of my is a very nice house...although it does get pretty cold!
Yay! A picture with me in it...I know it is pretty amazing!
After the wonderful parrillada, I talked to my mom on the phone for a while and then headed downtown to my favorite coffee shop. I meet Christy and Cassie there and we hung out there for a little while.
Christy working on her computer at the coffee to love the free wireless internet.
After the coffee shop, Christy and I headed to the "mall" to find some jeans for me. It was definitely an adventure since I have no clue as to what size I am here in Peru. But it turned out well, with Christy's help I was able to find a pair of jeans that actually fit me and that were reasonably priced. We were then supposed to meet friends for a movie but it turned out the times we had for the movie were wrong. So we ended up sitting around the food court for a while. The others decided they still wanted to see the movie and so they stuck around to watch the movie later and I came home and called one of my good friends. It was nice to talk to her for a while and just catch up. I really am enjoying having high-speed internet here in Arequipa. It makes life a little easier.
This is an attempt to get a picture of the volcano Misti...but it is a little hard to get a decent picture in a moving car. I will try to get a better one soon.
Sunday was Father's day and so after church we had a special meal. It was nice to hang out with other people from church, however after trying to follow a conversation for almost 40 minutes in brain was a little fried. So I came home and took a nap before Marshall and I headed over to the Doolittle's for a fun evening of games, food, worship and prayer. It was great to spend time with others from school and not have to talk in spanish. It was a great weekend! I am very thankful for the friends I have made here already and the opportunities to hang out with them. Like right I go to my favorite coffee shop to study verbs!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tonight I think is going to be a relaxing night...I have been tired all day and will benefit from staying home. I might work on homework, but will probably save it for tomorrow. My brain is too tired to think in Spanish tonight. It is amazing how quickly things can change in this house. Last week I was the only student staying here with the family. I came back from Lima on Tuesday and all of a sudden there were three guys staying here too. And now we are back down to just me and Marshall. It is crazy how fast and often things change around is helping me to learn to be more flexible. =) David and Ed left this afternoon to head back to Lima. Ed, I believe, flies out of Lima tonight. It was fun to get to know him after hearing about him from David. I hope to see him again some day and meet his wife too, it sounds like we would have some things in common. Anyway, that has all added to the craziness of my week...but I guess it has been good craziness. But I think it is also what has made me so tired today. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and be able to have fun hanging out with people.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Some random pictures
Sunset behind the the cool!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Friends going and friends coming
So coming back to Arequipa has been better than last week. I feel much better than last week...last week I had a headache and wasn't very hungry because of the altitude. But thankfully, I only had a slight headache tonight and should feel mostly normal tomorrow. It has been nice already to have someone else here at the house. Marshall is staying here too and it will be nice to have someone right here to hang out with. Tomorrow it is back to classes and homework...always a fun time. I think I will have a ton of homework tomorrow since I missed two days of classes. I will probably spend my whole afternoon and evening doing homework, with maybe a little bit of time to hang out with Marshall, David and Ed. We will have to wait and see exactly how much homework I have to catch up on.
Monday, June 9, 2008
So after all of that was done, we came back to the guest house and got to see Marshall, David and Ed before they left to head to Arequipa. It was good to see Marshall and catch up with him a bit before we both get busy with language school. Chris and I then went and did some shopping and I decided that I wanted to buy a book in Spanish to help me understand I bought The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and The Magician's Nephew. I figured they are books that I know well enough in English that I shouldn't have too hard of a time reading them in Spanish...I guess we will have to wait and see.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Back to Lima
So I am not entirely sure I will be able to get everything done tomorrow like I had hoped. It sounds like the guy that is supposed to be helping me finish this all up seemed to think that he was meeting me on Tuesday instead of Monday morning. But Chris and I are going to go anyway and hopefully be able to get things done. But if not, at least I have Tuesday morning still to do things. I am very thankful John suggested that I stay Monday night just in case. So I guess we will see how things work out tomorrow and pray they actually get done. I would just love to have all my carnet paperwork done, that way when I come back to Lima at the end of July my carnet can be done and waiting for me. We will just have to wait and see.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Huge step!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New friend and spanish...
As far as my carnet stuff, I will be heading back to Lima this Sunday and staying there until Tuesday afternoon. I should get everything else done during that time and have my carnet ready to be picked up when I am done here in Arequipa. Sadly, this means I have to miss two days of classes, but there isn't much I can do about that. Well, time to finish my homework and then hop in bed to stay warm!