Thursday, June 5, 2008

Huge step!

So today was my second day of classes and my second day taking the combi. Christy went with me again this morning on the combi, which was nice because it helped me feel a little more confident about where I was going. By the time I was done with classes I felt comfortable enough to take the combi by myself...but I didn't have to. However, I now know that I feel comfortable enough to take the combi by myself to and from school. Now taking it other places...not yet. But little by little I will get there. Second day of school and plenty of homework to do already. But I might take a nap first...we will see. Thinking in spanish all day really wears me out! I am very thankful for the time when I get to speak is nice. I don't have to think about what people are saying to me and how I need to respond. One of these days I hope to be close to that level in my spanish. Until then...I will take naps!

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