For about 3 days my friend Katie, who is in Pucallpa right now because of the political situation in Bolivia, has been painting a beautiful mural on my living room wall. At first I wasn't sure what I wanted her to paint for me, I just knew I wanted something painted on my wall. We had decided on a landscape and were going to put some of my favorite flowers in there somewhere. But then I was talking with Karen, Kyle and David about it when David suggested putting an airplane in there somewhere. Now he might have been joking, but I thought it was a great idea. So I said I was going to suggest that to Katie and see what she thought. Well, we had to then scratch the flower idea because I wanted it to be the SAMAIR float plane and the type of flowers I wanted don't really go with that very well. So Katie, with her wonderful artistic mind, decided to basically paint Cashibo with the float plane coming in to land on the water. It is such a great mural! As I watched her paint I was amazed that she could go from a rectangle of blueish white to a lake with so much detail. It is exactly what I wanted without really knowing it until it was done. I am very happy and will now spend more time in my living room since I have something to look at and not just plain white walls. =)

A close-up of the plane, she did an amazing job on this!
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