Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring time!

Again I have been slacking on the updating of my blog. Life is just kind of in a routine and while it is interesting to me, I don't always think it will be interesting to y'all. But let me see what has been happening this month. The weeks are always the same, here is a normal day for me.

4:30am - leave home
5:30am - sleep or read at work
6:30am - go talk to Nancy at Crowell desk
6:50am - unlock and set up desk
7:00am - start work
10:00am - break time/errand hour/chapel/department devotions
11:00am - back to desk
12:00pm - lunch
1:00pm - back to work
3:30pm - go home
5:00pm - arrive home
5:10pm - shower/get ready for next day
6:00pm - make dinner
7:00pm - watch tv and wait for Marc to get off work
9:00pm - talk with Marc
10:00pm - go to bed

Not a very interesting day, but I enjoy it. It is nice to have a routine, but nice to have it change every once in a while too. There are a few days where things change a little in the evenings. But my weekends are where I have all the fun. That is when I get to hang out with Marc and go explore the city or sit and watch a movie.

Here is a brief overview of our weekends for the month of April. April 3rd watched a movie, went to church, made dinner, went to an Improv show (if you don't know what that is check it out at, Marc's brother is in one of the groups) and then out for dessert with Marc's parents. April 9th - 11th Marc came down to my house for the weekend. So I met up with him after work and we went out for dinner before driving down. My friend Rose and her husband, T.J., were in town and we met up with them at church on Sunday. Saturday we did a little shopping, went to the movies and then out for dinner and ice cream afterwards. April 16th - 18th I went out to Marc's parents for the weekend. I again met up with Marc after work and we did dinner before heading out to Naperville. Saturday we went mini-golfing, watched Star Wars, had dinner with the family and played Yahtzee afterwards. Sunday was church and lunch with the family again. This past weekend, the 24th, we took our friends Seth and Celia out for lunch to Taste of Peru. It was wonderful to have good peruvian food again and just spend some time with good friends. We then went to Molly's Cupcakes for delicious cupcakes and some games. We played a round of Apples to Apples and a couple rounds of Jenga. Then it was off to do a little shopping for work and then back to watch a movie on the couch.

It has been a great month full of good times, fun, friends and even some changes that might be hard now, but will be good in the end. I am thankful for a great month and looking forward to a wonderful spring as the weather gets warmer and the grass turns green, the trees fill out and the flowers bloom.

Happy Spring!

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