Friday, October 17, 2008

Another first

Well, today was another first for me. I was in the need of chicken and hamburger for the next week or so. Since I no longer have a maid, I have to do all my shopping myself and it was an adventure. Karen also needed to do some shopping so we decided to go together. I am so glad she was there otherwise who knows what I would have ended up with. Buying meat down here is nothing like buying meat in the U.S. Here there are nasty smells, flies, who knows what other type of bugs and just plain grossness! But I knew that I needed to make myself go and buy meat.

So finally, after other stops along the way, we make our way to the chicken and beef section of town. A whole street that is dedicated to the butchering and sale of chickens and cows. I knew what I needed to ask for...but apparently it didn't come out right or I wasn't told the right thing to say. The beef was no problem, but the chicken was a different story. I asked for chicken breast without the bone. After much confusion on my part and the lady there...Karen and I finally figured out what we really wanted. Instead of asking for "pechuga de pollo deshuesado" she said we wanted chicken filet (I can't remember how to say it in spanish). Finally, Karen and I had our chicken and beef and headed home. It was a long trip to town...but I now feel like I can do it again and not be grossed out. Yay for firsts and overcoming things that gross us out!

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