Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well, the last few weeks have been pretty crazy and I don't think they will calm down much in the next month. The SAM board members were just here for a visit last week. It was good to have them here. The time to get to know them and for them to get to know us a little was good for all of us. On top of their visit, which made things crazy already, the missionary community had a bit of a shock. A missionary with Living Water, a group that drills wells in the communities, was killed in a motorcycle accident. It was had on all of us, but it was amazing to see all the Peruvians who were touched by his life.

School is almost done...we have a month left. I can't believe the year is almost over. It will be good to have a break this summer. A little bit of time to relax and a lot of time to prepare for the crazy year next year. It will be a nice change to actually have plenty of time to prepare. The past two years, I haven't really had that. =) Amongst the craziness of this last month of school, we also have so fun things going on. This Friday is a teacher lunch, it will be nice to hang out with all the teachers. Next Wednesday there is a mother/daughter banquet (I have been "adopted" by Rachael, since her daughter and my mom are in the States). The 19th a group of us are hoping to go to the Boqueron (a waterfall about 3 hours away) for the day. And then there is SAM Academy work day on the 23rd and graduation on the 29th. Should be fun and busy!

Oh! Great news...we are in the process of getting a tower for high speed internet! It will be great to have better internet so I can post more pictures and keep you all up to date on what is happening. Hopefully it will be in by the end of May! Until then...we will see how this dial-up holds out. =)

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