Sunday, February 3, 2008


Being sick is no fun at all! This morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. Never a good sign. Well, it seems I have a little flu bug but we aren't sure where I got it from. No one we know has had the flu lately. Oh well, I spent the morning sleeping and trying to not throw up again. Thankfully it worked for the most part. Took some medicine for my fever and have been drinking Electrolight, the Peruvian Gatorade. Thankfully, I feel some what better and I was able to get dressed and I am sitting in the cool room trying not to sweat to death. I am impressed though....this is the first time I have gotten sick since I have been here. That is the one good thing about working in a daycare for 3 immune system was built up a lot. Please pray that I will continue to get better and that I will be able to teach tomorrow. We don't really have any options for substitutes. Ok, time to keep relaxing.

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