Saturday, March 1, 2008

Official resident of Peru!

Well, I headed down to Arica, Chile on Thursday to finally take care of getting my resident visa for Peru. I am now officially a non catholic religious resident of Peru. Kind of fun! Friday while I was still in Chile I got to spend some time at the beach...however my legs have been sunburned and feel like they are bruised all the way down the front. Oh well, at least I had a good time in Chile. There is lots more to talk about but not much time so I will save that for another post. Now I am in Arequipa and tomorrow we head to conference for the week. Then it will finally be time for spring break. Hopefully my legs will heal enough by then that I can enjoy the beach in Mancora. Well, time for has been a long day of travel.

1 comment:

WorldTrekker said...


I am also a Missionary working in Peru and have not had much luck finding out what I need to do to get a Resident Visa here in Peru. Would it be possible for you to send me some information about the process that you went through to get your resident visa?

you can view my website at and send me an email if you would like. Thanks so much for the help and I pray that God continues to bless you and your ministry. Thanks Again and Take Care...
