Monday, July 21, 2008

5 more days!

WOW! I have 4 more days of classes! It is crazy, sad, and exciting all at the same time. It is going to be a busy week with trying to pack things up, say goodbyes, and work out details for once I get back to Pucallpa. Thankfully I have so awesome friends who are helping me out. So far I have figured out how my family and I are getting from the airport to my apartment and worked it out to have a least a little bit of food in the place when we get there. It is going to be so great to get back to nice, hot Pucallpa and see my friends again. Just a few more details about that week in Pucallpa to figure out and that will be set. I still have to do some shopping here this week, as well as trying to pack all my things back into the one suitcase I brought with me. I might have to buy another bag for my carry-on. =) Plus I am trying to get myself healthy again. I had a cold last week that I think has turned into bronchitis...never fun. So I started some meds today and will hopefully have kicked this before traveling to Lima and Pucallpa. I get to see my family in 5 days....I can't wait! Special thanks to Rosemary and David for helping me out with some of these crazy details!

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