Monday, January 28, 2008

My toe

I know, you are probably wondering why I am writing about my toe...but I figured why not. I can write about whatever I want to. So my big toe on my left foot has been swollen and hurting off and on for the past week. I couldn't figure out why it was hurting and so I went and asked Rosemary who is a nurse. At first she thought maybe it was some kind of bite that I was reacting to, but a few days later she said it didn't look like that anymore. So then I got to thinking about why my toe might be hurting and swollen. I just didn't seemed really strange to me. But then I realized that it might be from over use. Now you might ask, "how do you over use your toe?" Honestly I am not entirely sure how you over use your toe, but I think that is what happened. I rested my toe for a few days and it felt fine, but then I went to town and did a lot of walking and it started hurting again. Then I realized that maybe it because I only wear flip flops here and my feet and muscles just aren't used to that. Apparently I use my big toe a lot to hold on my flip flop and so I am over using it. So I will probably wear my tennis shoes for the next few days and see if that helps my toe feel better. How sad that you can hurt your toe from wearing shoes as comfortable as flip flops! Crazy. Oh the hard times of living in a hot climate all year long. =D

Only 39 more days until spring break on the beach!!


Karin R. said...

I had to laugh at your problem. Actually - I fully expected the nurse to tell you you had a "nigua" in your toe. Glad to hear it was just overuse w/ your flip flops. :O) Trust me - - a sore toe joint is MUCH better than having to dig a worm out of the edge of your toe nail.

Question is. . .did you ever get your hammock????

Christi said...

Thank you for laughing. Actually the nurse did ask me if my toenail hurt just to make sure it wasn't "nigua" in my toe. I am really glad it wasn' sounds nasty!

Yes, I did get my hammock but we are trying to find hooks to hang it up with. Surprisingly it is hard to find hooks big enough to hang a hammock with here. Apparently the Peruvians only use rope and not hooks.