Saturday, April 26, 2008

Game night results

Well, this is going to be really short...I accomplished one of my two goals for game night. I did beat David is Dutch Blitz...however I have a feeling he wasn't playing his hardest and kind of let me win. Oh well. I did not play was too late by the time the started...I needed to go to bed. But in all it was a lot of fun and really nice to have everyone from SAM Center together just to hang out.


Karin R. said...

Good job on the Dutch Blitz victory. Now you'll be able to challenge Dana & Sharon when you're back home! Do you all play spoons when you are together? Not the muscial kind. ..but the kind with the cards? How about Pit? If you've never played that then I'll have to get a game and send it down to you with your parents. . .lots of people can play and it's just a fun "loud" game. Love and miss you :O)

Karin R. said...

Good job on the Dutch Blitz. . .after all the practice you'll get down there you'll be able to challenge Dana & Sharon when you are home. That is one game that blew Uncle Steve R away when he first met everyone. . .watching them play - cards and hands flying. . . it was waaaay to much for him to handle. Have fun! Do y'all have PIT for your game nights? If not - I'll send one down with your parents in July. It's a blast and lots of people can play! What about spoons? y'all playing spoons? not the musical kind. . .but the kind with cards and such. Love and miss you! Karin:O)