Thursday, June 19, 2008

WOW! What a week...I am not completely sure as to why this week has been so bad for me. But, it has been really rough. Things have not gone very well in my practica class...although I think if you asked my teacher he would say differently. I have felt very frustrated because the things I want to say just won't come out the correct way. There is a block between my brain and my mouth right now! Today in class I had to stop myself from crying...I just got so frustrated because I knew how to answer the question in english but couldn't get it into spanish.

I think another thing that has added to my week is that my arthritis is finally starting to act up again. It took it three weeks, but I am starting to hurt more. And of course when I don't feel good...I am usually not in a good mood. All of this on top of missing Pucallpa (yes, I miss Pucallpa)...I think I am having a little bit of culture shock. The good thing is that tomorrow is Friday...the weekend will be here...and God is in control no matter what. So He will get me through this time. I just have to keep working at it.

So tonight Marshall, Christy, David (from language school), myself and the Doolittles all went out to celebrate Cassie's birthday. It was a fun time of hanging out and playing games. I am so glad to have other people to hang out with and to play lots of fun games with. So here are a few pictures from tonight.

Cassie (The Birthday Girl), David and Sarah

Marshall and Pam talking...caught by surprise.

Me, Aldan, Christy and Amanda

Sarah and Dan (Dr. Doolittle)

A picture of the monastary from the roof of the restaurant

Well, I guess I should finish my homework for class tomorrow...anyone want to do it for me?

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