Thursday, May 22, 2008


Becoming a missionary I knew I would have to face a lot of changes in my life. People are always coming and going from the mission field and if I stay long enough I am going to see a lot of people come and go. This week life has really hit me hard. Everything is going to be changing in a week and a half. Pretty much as soon as I leave for language school, nothing will be the same. Kelly, Chris and Emily are all leaving. I will be in Arequipa for 2 months. David is moving. Kyle is coming to Pucallpa. My family is coming to visit. I will most likely be living alone this fall. There are just so many changes that are happening in such a short time. I hate thinking about how when I come back from Arequipa everything will be different and I am not going to have a ton of time to get used to it before I have to start school again. Part of me feels lonely already thinking about how a big chunk of my single friends here are leaving. I've never lived alone and I am not too sure that it is going to be good for me. I mean, yeah I am going to learn a lot through it...but I am so used to having some one here to talk to. I might end up talking to the geckos!

Sometimes I just wish things didn't hit me all at once. I have know for a long time now that things would change this summer, but none of it actually hit me until yesterday. Life is crazy...but I guess that is what makes it fun and what helps you learn. God has a purpose for this season in my life...I just kind of wish I knew what it was.

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