Sunday, May 18, 2008

Two weeks

Wow! I can't believe that in two weeks I will be in Lima on my way to language school in Arequipa. It is crazy to think that I have been here long enough to have already finished one school year at SAM Academy. I feel like time has just flown by. I was talking to David tonight about Arequipa and how I am slowly starting to look forward to going there. And he then tells me two things...number one: "You are going to freeze there" and number two "You are going to have culture shock." That just makes me feel so wonderful and really look forward to going there. =) That is ok...I actually pretty much already figured out those two things. I mean I am going from the jungle where the average temperature is 80s to the mountains (in the winter time). I am definitely going to freeze since I was totally made for the hot weather. And I figured I would have culture shock going to Arequipa since I haven't had any here in the jungle. It is going to be really hard to go back to a city where I actually have choices in the things I do and buy. But I know it will be a good time for me. I will have plenty of time to focus on improving my spanish and I will be able to build more friendships here in Peru. God is so great and everyday He slowly increases my excitement for lanuage school and Arequipa. If you think of it over the next two months...please pray for me while I am in this new situation and have to adjust to all the changes that are happening to me all at the same time. Thanks!

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